Tuesday, October 4, 2011

He Died For Me!

When someone does something great for us we say  we "will never forget this!" We are eternally grateful. I want you to think about God and the revealing of Himself through the person of Jesus. You are worth so much to Him that He went to the cross and died for you to pay for your sins so that they would not keep you out of heaven when you die. Better news than this does not exist!

This past summer in one of my dealings with someone at work this person told me to save my prayers for someone who does not need them. They told me that after this life there is nothing and that they are fine with how their life is right now and are content to live that way till they die. Sadder news than this does not exist for if nothing changes for this person they will have an eternity of regret.

If there is no such thing as an eternity of hell or heaven then mission work doesn't matter nor does telling others of Jesus. But it does matter because they do exist. And the Good News is that no one has to go to hell. Jesus truly took our place. A book that I read this summer describes His death in ways I never understood before.

Picture Jesus on the cross. He is not there by chance. He wasn't at the wrong place at the wrong time. He knew all this would happen. It was planned. Along with the physical suffering of being nailed to a cross I want you to think of all the pain in the world. I mean all the pain- all the hurts and tears and suffering from the past, the present and the future of every individual ever. Imagine if all that pain could be put into one ball that could be hung around the Savior's neck. That is what He suffered also.

And there's one more thing- now picture a whole eternity's worth of hell. (can we even do that?) That also is all tied up in one ball! That is what He suffered as well!

Do you get it? And He did it all for you! Think about this the next time you say Jesus died for me.

Greater love has no man than this- that a man lay down His life for His friends.

In Christ,
Pastor John