Monday, April 20, 2009

Does life "just" go on?

10 years ago many lives were changed forever. Columbine. I heard some stories on the news. I watched young men and women talk who were 16 and 17 year old scared kids 10 years ago when the terrible tragedy took place. I never thought about what they said, how whenever they are asked where they went to school they would say it: Columbine, and then the look on the person's face. The look of "now what do I say"

Many times we say dumb things. Things like, life goes on. In my sermon yesterday I talked about how I hate that expression. How does one go on when one faces a situation so tragic that you feel as though you have died inside? I'm sorry folks, but I need more than just "life goes on John"

I preached on the disciples hiding behind locked doors after reports of the resurrection. They were afraid of the Jews and perhaps of the future. Now what? The Man we followed is gone but now some women say He rose. And then Jesus comes through the locked doors and brought great joy to these men. The Savior wants to do the same for you!

The Savior indeed has risen and through eyes of faith we see the scars on His hands. Scars that show how much He loves us. Scars that show the price He paid for our eternal life. Scars that show us that there is life beyond the scars, that life does go on....but with Jesus right by us and yes, sometimes carrying us!!!

The next time you are told to get over it, write me! The next time you are told that life goes on, write me, call me. And if you don't want to then remember this: life does go on but with Jesus. His rising from the grave means we will rise above every and any tragedy that has come or will come in our lives. I can't wait for the day when we see Him face to face and His presence fills us with eternal joy.

As you go through life, remember that Project 52 is here to help you, to encourage you! The world may say life goes on, but we add, with Jesus, and that is what gets us through!

He is risen!
Pastor John


Unknown said...


Great article! I am very glad you wrote about “Life goes on”. This topic hits close to home. My wife is a nine year cancer survivor, she lost both breasts at the age of 41. Without the hope that Jesus brings to us, I don’t know where we would be today. My wife and I have a strong relationship with Jesus Christ and count on His presence in our lives each and every day.

Why this hits close to home is, my father in law saw that my wife was feeling a bit low one day, he asked her why, she told him that the thought of having had cancer sometimes troubles you mentally. (Even though she is a strong believer, Satan loves to attack her thoughts!) My father in law looked at her and told her to just get over it already! To me, this was a very hurtful thing to say to his daughter, and he made it sound like what else is there in life. If this was said to a Non-Christian what kind of hope would there be in their life? We often think about how people without a relationship with Jesus would handle these kind of situations. I could not do it! My wife and I always let people know that Christ sustained us through the dark times and how they can have the same peace as we have.

Thank you for this article, we know life does go on, but with Christ in your life he will guide you and carry you through the low times.

Have a Blessed week!


John Dawson said...

Thanks Dave- I praise God that He worked through the article to help you. It is all about hope isn't it? I'm glad the Lord provided hope for you and I praise Him that your wife is a cancer survivor.

Thanks again for the feedback and God bless you as well!

In Christ,
Pastor John