Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Different Beat

Blessed are the poor in spirit- Matt 5:3

Carols beginning in October, it drives me nuts. And now its days before Christmas and I think what do I really want to listen to? One of my favorites: The Little Drummer Boy. I love the song because the little boy breaks my heart. He is full of anger because his parents were killed and he hates the people who came into his home and shattered his life.

Only when he learns about the Christ Child and travels to see him does his life change. Only then do his drums play to a different beat. I love the line, Baby Jesus, I am a poor boy too, I have no gift to bring.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, that is those who know they bring nothing to Christ for eternal life. Eternal life is the gift of God who also played to a different beat. He went against all that the world was expecting for a Savior. He made Himself poor and was born in a dirty old manger to begin the journey of saving us from our sins. A King lying on hay! God wearing a diaper!

You might not understand it all, the carols may drive you nuts, but the fact remains, He comes this Christmas to deal with angry hurt people and their shattered dreams. And He comes with the promise that all shall be made new one day.

That is the Christmas I'm waiting for! In the meanwhile? Let's play our best for Him!

Merry Christmas,
Pastor John


ColleenC said...

"Somewhere in the middle", "Advent and preparing", "Contentment"..... just refreshed my spiritual health!
Life can pretty well get us down IF we don't include Jesus in our daily walks. Just finished the book "Shiloh Autumn" by Bodie and Brock Thoene. It's not a new book, but one that has been sitting on my shelf for several years just waiting to be read. Placed in the dirty 30's in Arkansas, it puts me to shame for any pitiful complaints I utter. The Lord provided what they needed... just as He does for us, if we only let him.

Sandy said...

Pastor John….The Little Drummer Boy. One of my favorites too. I like that song cuz he has nothing to give baby Jesus…. so he gives from his heart. He plays for him.

Somewhere in the middle – just listened to it last night. Great song, listen to it guys. God is so awesome! He can have someone … in this instance, Casting Crowns - write one song and that one song touches people in so many ways at the same time. I’ve been struggling over, should I stay at this one place, or go to another place and this song says just what I am feeling….”somewhere between who I was and who Your making me…somewhere in the middle you’ll find me.” I don’t want to be caught in the middle. This next verse I found to be very comforting…… “Lord I feel You in this place and I know You’re by my side…loving me on these nights…when I’m caught in the middle.” I am caught in the middle yet God is still there loving me …even when I’m…caught in the middle. Guys, He is there loving you too, when your caught in the middle. You are not alone. Thanks Pastor John, for talking with us with your writing. God uses so many things to reach us when we need it. Is anyone else caught in the middle of anything?

Colleen, “Shiloh Autumn” sounds like a book we should read. Your right, the Lord does provide for us, if we only let him.