Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lesson from a Peacock Feather

Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith...

Wow! I can sure learn a lot from you guys. I like what you said BJK...keep your eyes on Jesus. Reminds me of an exercise we had to do during a pastoral leadership conference.

We were all given a peacock feather. We were told to place the feather on our fingertip and to balance it so it would stand straight up and not fall. The vivid bright colors are amazing. But to look at the feather would mean it would probably fall over. If you looked up at the sky however you could balance it and even walk around without it tipping. I was amazed! I even tried this in vacation Bible school once. And it worked with a little kid and she was amazed as well. The point- keep your eyes on Jesus. Look up to the hills it says in Psalm 121, that's where your help comes from!

It's easy for us to look at all the razzle dazzle of the world. The bright colors of fame and fortune will leave us imbalanced and we will eventually fall over. Keeping our eyes on Jesus through the Spirit's power will keep us focused on the eternal rather than on that which is passing away.

Thanks for sharing with me, and yes hockey is an awesome sport. It totally fits my personality and in fact I would like to share another lesson from the great Wayne Gretzky. That will be my blog next week.

Until then, keep on skating- God has chosen you to be on His winning team!

In Christ,
Pastor John

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