Friday, December 10, 2010

Maybe It's the Seventh Day!?

Joshua 6:3 March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days.

For those familiar with some of the basic stories of the Bible, the story of Joshua has to rank near the top. AND THE WALLS CAME TUMBLING DOWN! This was the best part of the story. Kids love it and adults are still amazed how Joshua with the power of God conquered the city of Jericho. He did not do it with normal military strategy. He did it by following the command of God. The command is in the above verse- march around the city once and do this for six days.

I wonder what the city thought? I wonder what Joshua's army was thinking? March? Did they feel silly? Were they made fun of? In the VeggieTale's version of this story the "Peas" are throwing slushies at the army as they make fun of their daily march. But the people keep marching. I wonder if they grew weary on the third day? I wonder if on the fifth day they were thinking, "this is crazy." I wonder if on the sixth day they felt like idiots wondering how a city can be taken by marching around it.

On the Seventh day God gave different orders: march around the city 7 times with the priest blowing trumpets. And they did and with a shout the walls came tumbling down! The city had been taken. The people had obeyed.

At Project 52 we like to talk about how God has a plan for each of us. You might not know it but the plan includes a great victory for those who know and trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Personally when I think about God's plan for my life I sometimes grow impatient as I wait. When I see nothing happening (like walls still up) I wonder if I can continue to march. What I often forget is that it might only be the third or fifth day of God's plan.

Or get this, it might even be the seventh day but I have only marched around the city for the fifth time! Only 2 to go! I would like to encourage you today in your walk with the Lord. DON'T GIVE UP! Whatever it is that you are waiting for, whatever tragedy that you are trying to work through remember that it might be the seventh day- in other words, victory is just around the corner. Soon we will look upon all our enemies, whether people or things, and we will rejoice that the walls have come down! The key is to wait upon the Lord and to obey.

The gift this season is victory, soon, very soon, walls will come tumbling down!!!

In Christ,
Pastor John

1 comment:

ColleenC said...

Thank you so much for using the Jericho and "marching" lesson for me and others. I do know that God answers our prayers in HIS time, but how often I get impatient waiting for that time. Again, THANK YOU for being God's messenger, saying keeping marching!