Thursday, February 17, 2011


1Cor 13:12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

I’ve always enjoyed watching and reading mysteries. Why is it then that the mysteries of God’s ways sometimes annoy me? Probably because I’m a sinful human. No doubt because I’m impatient. A mystery movie will be over in a couple of hours. A mystery book in a few days. But the mysteries that my life is made up of can take years to unfold. Feel that way too?

Picture a foggy morning. Hard to drive in isn’t? In the above verse Paul is telling us that life is sometimes like that fog. Now we see dimly, now we know in part. You can’t know the whole thing if Scripture tells us we only know in part! Life is like driving in a fog at times but God has promised someday that the weather will break and the sun will shine. We will see Jesus face to face and all will become clear. The mysteries of this life solved!!!

I'm learning to make peace with the fact that I don’t have the answers for everything. As a Pastor I stand in awe along with you as we experience the mysteries of God’s ways. (Pastors don't know it all!) Some things are just plain beyond my understanding too. I am not always sure what He is doing in my life or yours but one thing is for sure...God is good and He loves you! Trust Him and get excited about seeing how the mystery will turn out!

In Christ,
Pastor John

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