Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jesus, Remember Me

Some powerful words were spoken from the cross that first Good Friday. When a thief who was hanging next to Jesus asked the Lord if He would remember him, Jesus answered, "today you will be with Me in paradise." Our God remembers us and forgets our sin! We Christians cherish that Good News! And we celebrate it again with joy this Easter season.

 Back in 1986 one beautiful morning in spring, a bird flies right toward my office window. It would be the last time it would fly. God remembers! A thousand years ago on the planet Venus a tiny meteorite landed near a medium-sized crater, dislodging 3 marble-sized rocks. God remembers! He remembers any bird that falls. He remembers everything He ever created. He knows how many hairs are on your head. He remembers every tear that has ever slipped from the corner of your eye. You may have wiped it when no one was looking but He took note and put it in a bottle for safekeeping. Listen to David in Psalm 56:8, Thou has taken account of my wanderings; put my tears in Thy bottle; are they not in Your book?

Yes they are. The details of your life are all in a book and He constantly reviews it as He guides and directs your life. I'm not going to forget He says. I was there when your fat little fingers were pulling yourself up in your crib as you cried for your mother because you thought you were forgotten. I was there when you stood at the grave and cried for your mother because you knew you wouldn't see her again until that wonderful reunion in Heaven. I am here He cries. I'm here for every broken promise and every shattered dream. I remember you and I love you. Just look at Me on the cross. The only thing I don't remember is your sin.

This is why Jesus could look at the thief and say, today you will be with Me in paradise. Today the thief was going to heaven! Such beautiful words. We are not forgotten by God. Jesus was on the cross for us. He was forsaken but we are not. When we die it will be the beginning of a new life we can't even imagine!

A Blessed Easter to you all!
In Christ,
Pastor John

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