Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What a Deal!?

1 Cor 6:20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

I was shopping with a young man that I mentor. He needed new clothes. It was a good afternoon finding deals in the brand of clothes he liked. But I'm the one who ended up getting even more than I bargained for. As we left the store I looked at the receipt. Something didn't seem right. Wouldn't you know it? Now if they had shortchanged me you know for sure I would have went back. But they had forgotten to ring up one of the shirts. Just my luck, with a young man looking at me and seeing if my walk would match the things I have been trying to teach. What to do, what to do.... What would you do?

Ever been in one of these situations? And what if this young man had not been with me? Would it not be so important then? I read once that character is something you are when no one is watching.

I find myself almost everyday looking in the mirror and asking who am I? Life experiences have taught me to answer that question in a positive way most days- I am a forgiven child of the King through the blood Jesus poured out from the cross. (Now that's a bargain!) In my work I see alot of "kids" who do not know who they are and what price has been paid for them to be free young people!

I love these 20 somethings! I want to help them. I want to help them find their way in life. They have so much to live for! They are the ones who will be the ones guiding young people when I might not be around someday. They will be the ones watched instead of watching.

You were bought with a price! You have value! Its the real deal you have been looking for!

In Christ,
Pastor John

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