Friday, January 15, 2010

Victor or Victim?

In Romans 8 it says we are more than conquerors through Christ! Often in life its easy to see ourselves as victims. We look at our situations, maybe how someone hurt us by their actions and we dwell on being the victim. I had a good friend who told me once that instead of being the victim we can become the victor. It may take awhile but by the grace of God we can live our days more as victors than victims.

A victim is stuck in what happened. A victor presses on and says God will use it for His glory and to somehow grow me. A victim blames other people constantly. A victor forgives them for they know not what they do. I've been both a victim and a victor and I'll tell you one thing, it is so much better living as a victor.

Christ is the Victor over death. He lives in the believer and with His strength you and me can live more and more of our days as victors! How do I know this? Because the Word just said, we are more than go conquer in the power of Jesus!

In Christ,
Pastor John

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