Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Vision and Hope

So, on to the great Wayne Gretzky- of the many things that made him one of the best hockey players ever was this one- he went to where the puck was going to be! Its called vision and hope.

If you are just constantly going to where the puck is, it might be gone before you get there. You find yourself chasing rather than waiting for it to be where you are so you can get the shot off and hopefully score!

I wonder what our lives would be like if we actually anticipated the dream, went where others were not going, and were there when it arrived rather than aimlessly chasing after our dreams. How many times do we hear of people, "nothing ever came of his dreams"

Proverbs 29:18 says ,Where there is no vision, the people perish: Without vision there is no hope. Gretzky could see where the puck was going to be and he waited its arrival. God has a plan for you! Do you trust that? You really have two choices. Either lie down and die or get up each day knowing that you are part of God's great plan and that eventually all things work out for the good!!!

At Project 52 we love this verse and again share it with you from Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Eventually the main goal (eternal life) is achieved through the Great One- Jesus Christ- if I were Lord Stanley I'd give Him the Cup!

In Christ,
Pastor John


ColleenC said...

I love the Jeremiah verse. What reassurance it has brought me when I wonder "What's going on in my life?"
Another verse that has been shared with me brings a calming reassurance... Proverbs 19:21 - The plans of a person's heart are many, but the purpose of the Lord will prevail. He's in charge, thank the Lord!

Sandy said...

I have thought of that verse many times too Colleen when things are going crazy in my life.

Let’s not be one of those people who like Pastor says …we hear people say, “nothing ever came of his dreams”. If your dream is calling you…pursue it. Pursue it because you believe in your dream and your passionate about it… it is what makes your heart beat fast when you think or talk about it. It is deep inside you. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it.

Whether your dream is riding a bike across the US, playing in a Christian band reaching out to people, becoming a missionary, working with youth and teaching them about the grace of God. Don’t let it be postponed til it is too late. Don’t let others take your dream from you and kill it. If you’re passionate about it and you sit around thinking about it all day, then do it. Don’t hold back on your passion.

I like what you said Pastor… anticipate…go where others are not going. I read a story where Walt Disney’ son and one of his business associates stood before Disneyland just after it was completed. They stood in awe of what was created and felt hugely proud to be part of it (Walt Disney had died a number of years before it was complete). The business associate turned to Walt Disney’s son and said “isn’t it a pity that Walt is not here to see it all”. Walt’s son paused for a second and replied “it’s because Wald did SEE it that it is here!”

Skate to where the puck is going to be….. vision and hope!!