Monday, May 14, 2012

Be What?

In Matt 5:48 we are told to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect. Really?

Do you struggle with this passage? Recently I learned the value of wrestling with the Word of God. I think in our world today we don't like to wrestle. We want everything to come easy and in our timing and not God's timing. The culture around us today tells us to be.... happy, be yourself, be whatever you want to do whatever is good for you! And along comes Jesus and tells us to be perfect like the Father!

I asked some youth recently what came to mind when they heard this verse. Here is what they said:

  • you cant
  • already failed
  • not possible
  • hopeless
  • I'm not worthy since I've already failed
  • how?
  • what does this mean?
When we wrestle with passages I learned that we always come out better than when we started. We might not have reached a clear cut version of the passage but we've taken time to be in the Word and wrestle with what God has told us. This produces character in us and God uses it to grow us. Don't be afraid to wrestle with God. A man in the Old Testament once did, physically and when this man (God) asked Jacob to let him go Jacob said, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." And God changed his name to  "one who wrestles with God" the name- Israel! And what a blessed nation he had become!

In conclusion-what does this passage mean? Does God intend to leave you hopeless? Never! In the perfect life of His Son Jesus (God in the flesh) God sees you! Through faith in Jesus God sees Jesus living in us! When Jesus' blood was shed on the cross it covered our sin and God sees perfection now. Its a beautiful mystery and a wonderful gift.

We are perfect when we claim Christ as our Savior. The wrestling now is in the day to day living and the struggle with sin. The remedy? The cross and the empty grave which brings peace and life!

Live in that life and be what God wants you to be. And if you struggle with that congratulations for you too are one who wrestles with God!

In Christ,
Pastor John

1 comment:

ColleenC said...

Sorry it took me so long to check your blog and to read this very important message. You are right, wrestling provides strength and more clarity in our walks of faith. Thanks for reminding me.