Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Branch

John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches....

I would encourage you to read more of these verses from the Gospel of John regarding vines and branches and how apart from Christ we can do nothing.

I read this section of Scripture to a young man recently and he absolutely loved it. Its the perfect verse for The Branch.

The Branch is a ministry of Project 52 that is developing in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. For years Bill, Dustin and I have talked of a retreat but never really knew what it would look like. The Branch is becoming more of a reality because of the journey God has taken me on in my work with young people. He has opened my eyes to see the needs of many hurting people who seem at times to be forgotten.

The Branch will be a ministry where young people can be mentored, or housed and encouraged to be the people God has created them to be. The Branch will also be a place of worship geared toward the younger crowd. I am excited about this new adventure for Project 52.

God is starting to bring people forward with support. Some have offered money, some have offered ideas and others have asked to be part of it. One lady emailed me a picture of a barn the other day and said, "this is kind of how I imagine it looking." Wow and wow!

Pray for this ministry (resources, land, a barn, pray for God's hand in all of it and that we do what He is blessing! He has shown the need) and let us remember that our Savior is indeed the True Vine! We are His branches and with Him there is nothing we cannot do!

In Christ,
Pastor John

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