Sunday, September 22, 2013

What Do You Say?

In Matthew 16 Jesus asks the disciples what people are saying about Him. After they give Him a few answers the important question then comes......who do you say I am?

Isn't that what it ultimately comes down to? Who do you say Jesus is? It isn't important what your grandma thought of Jesus or your best friend. (they cant answer for you) Who is Jesus to you? What do you believe about Him? What did He do for you?

I learned recently that this is an important question to ask when forming a church. Who is Jesus? If the church cant answer that question why would we expect the people who will be coming to answer that question?

For some Jesus is a good man, to others a powerful prophet. Some take what He says in His Word (the Bible) seriously others don't. Some believe parts of what He says and disregard other things in the Word that they don't like. That's too chaotic for me.

The Bible is truth. It is God's Word. I believe in all of it, even the parts that convict me of things that I do in my life that are wrong. I don't try to cover over my sins, I admit them to God and know I have forgiveness because of the cross. The Word says that I am forgiven and that I am loved by God. I love it that the Word is absolute truth, that is so refreshing in a world that picks and chooses what truth is.

I love Peters answer to the question- Who do you say I am? Peter answers- You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!

I care what you think about God? Who is He to you? I've spent my life trying to show people the Lord Jesus who loves them with an eternal love. I see people hurting all the time and I see many that care more about what others think about them than what God thinks about them.

You know what God thinks about you? He loves you! He created you! He died for you! He rose for you! He calls you His son or daughter! He says you have an eternal home in heaven! All this is yours if you would only believe that............He is the Christ, the Son of the living God!

What do you say?

In Christ,
Pastor John

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